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Barack Obama

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 12:53 pm
by paolo
CIA creation or genuine American citizen with nothing to hide?

Conspiracy bollocks or mainstream media truth?

Re: Barrack Obama

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 12:57 pm
by Kowalski
Conspiracy bollocks.

Re: Barrack Obama

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 12:59 pm
by Steve Hunt
paolo wrote:CIA creation or genuine American citizen with nothing to hide?

Conspiracy bollocks or mainstream media truth?

No conspiracy here. He's just a pathetic politician, like his counterparts over here.

Re: Barrack Obama

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 1:05 pm
by Windy Miller
he a puppet

Re: Barrack Obama

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:09 pm
by AlcoholBrazil
Shake Monsuuueeeerrr has got Barocca Barner on SPEEDDIAL . according to Ubercunt Eddie Gray.


Re: Barrack Obama

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:42 pm
by NorthBank
Ultimately I think most politicians must enter the job because they believe they can make a difference. But the higher up the ladder they go the more they realise their hands are tied. Not just by political processes but by the wishes of those behind the scenes who control the money and influence. I'm sure Obama felt he could be an inspiring black leader like Martin Luther King. But look what happened to MLK when he refused to play the game. Every President and Prime Minister is merely a front man, the person trotted out to the cameras to face the flak but really they don't have the final say, there are always those behind the scenes we never see who really control policy. The Rothschilds, the Rockefellers etc Powerful families who control the world's wealth are the people who really pull the strings and the likes of Obama have to follow orders.

Re: Barrack Obama

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:44 pm
by LaaLaa
Just another politician who naively thought he could make a difference, until he got in power and found that the CIA(or whoever) are pulling the strings.

EDIT: Ha spooky. Northbank I swear your post wasn't there until I clicked submit and was told there was one more post appeared since I wrote mine.

Re: Barrack Obama

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 2:50 pm
by NorthBank
LaaLaa wrote:Just another politician who naively thought he could make a difference, until he got in power and found that the CIA(or whoever) are pulling the strings.

EDIT: Ha spooky. Northbank I swear your post wasn't there until I clicked submit and was told there was one more post appeared since I wrote mine.
Awake minds think alike :wink:

Re: Barrack Obama

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:30 pm
by The Ghost of Alex Higgins
Chainz tabz n shootz hoopz wotz not to like?

Re: Barrack Obama

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:42 pm
by Hillman avenger
NorthBank wrote:Ultimately I think most politicians must enter the job because they believe they can make a difference. But the higher up the ladder they go the more they realise their hands are tied. Not just by political processes but by the wishes of those behind the scenes who control the money and influence. I'm sure Obama felt he could be an inspiring black leader like Martin Luther King. But look what happened to MLK when he refused to play the game. Every President and Prime Minister is merely a front man, the person trotted out to the cameras to face the flak but really they don't have the final say, there are always those behind the scenes we never see who really control policy. The Rothschilds, the Rockefellers etc Powerful families who control the world's wealth are the people who really pull the strings and the likes of Obama have to follow orders.
Tell you what.
Let's treat the fact that the names you give happen to be jewish, and move on.
How about you explain to us how this works?
Can you explain why no author or journalist of any repute has seized on what would be a truly massive story?
I'd like to know ( oh, and how you found out).

Re: Barrack Obama

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 3:51 pm
by NorthBank
Hillman avenger wrote:
NorthBank wrote:Ultimately I think most politicians must enter the job because they believe they can make a difference. But the higher up the ladder they go the more they realise their hands are tied. Not just by political processes but by the wishes of those behind the scenes who control the money and influence. I'm sure Obama felt he could be an inspiring black leader like Martin Luther King. But look what happened to MLK when he refused to play the game. Every President and Prime Minister is merely a front man, the person trotted out to the cameras to face the flak but really they don't have the final say, there are always those behind the scenes we never see who really control policy. The Rothschilds, the Rockefellers etc Powerful families who control the world's wealth are the people who really pull the strings and the likes of Obama have to follow orders.
Tell you what.
Let's treat the fact that the names you give happen to be jewish, and move on.
How about you explain to us how this works?
Can you explain why no author or journalist of any repute has seized on what would be a truly massive story?
I'd like to know ( oh, and how you found out).
It never occurred to me that they were Jewish actually, that's not what took my interest. What took my interest is looking at the families who have controlled wealth around the world down the years. Here are 13 bloodlines for you to research if you're interested:

The Astor Bloodline
The Bundy Bloodline
The Collins Bloodline
The DuPont Bloodline
The Freeman Bloodline
The Kennedy Bloodline
The Li Bloodline
The Onassis Bloodline
The Reynolds Bloodline
The Rockefeller Bloodline
The Rothschild Bloodline
The Russell Bloodline
The Van Duyn Bloodline

Check out the immense power and influence these people have had down the years and it's obvious that they have a huge bearing on political decisions. As for your question about why the media don't report on how powerful wealthy people behind the scenes really control political policy? Simple really. They own the media. To think a lowly newspaper editor on a yearly salary is going to poke fingers in the eyes of the most powerful and wealthy people in the world is naive to say the least.

Re: Barrack Obama

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 5:29 pm
by Basualdo
At best hes one of the most incompetent narcissists ever to be elected to high office.
At worst hes working to destroy the present day power of the United States on behalf of a failed and evil political philosophy or a barbaric middle eastern oligarchy.

Re: Barrack Obama

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 5:32 pm
by Hillman avenger
NorthBank wrote:
Hillman avenger wrote:
NorthBank wrote:Ultimately I think most politicians must enter the job because they believe they can make a difference. But the higher up the ladder they go the more they realise their hands are tied. Not just by political processes but by the wishes of those behind the scenes who control the money and influence. I'm sure Obama felt he could be an inspiring black leader like Martin Luther King. But look what happened to MLK when he refused to play the game. Every President and Prime Minister is merely a front man, the person trotted out to the cameras to face the flak but really they don't have the final say, there are always those behind the scenes we never see who really control policy. The Rothschilds, the Rockefellers etc Powerful families who control the world's wealth are the people who really pull the strings and the likes of Obama have to follow orders.
Tell you what.
Let's treat the fact that the names you give happen to be jewish, and move on.
How about you explain to us how this works?
Can you explain why no author or journalist of any repute has seized on what would be a truly massive story?
I'd like to know ( oh, and how you found out).
It never occurred to me that they were Jewish actually, that's not what took my interest. What took my interest is looking at the families who have controlled wealth around the world down the years. Here are 13 bloodlines for you to research if you're interested:

The Astor Bloodline
The Bundy Bloodline
The Collins Bloodline
The DuPont Bloodline
The Freeman Bloodline
The Kennedy Bloodline
The Li Bloodline
The Onassis Bloodline
The Reynolds Bloodline
The Rockefeller Bloodline
The Rothschild Bloodline
The Russell Bloodline
The Van Duyn Bloodline

Check out the immense power and influence these people have had down the years and it's obvious that they have a huge bearing on political decisions. As for your question about why the media don't report on how powerful wealthy people behind the scenes really control political policy? Simple really. They own the media. To think a lowly newspaper editor on a yearly salary is going to poke fingers in the eyes of the most powerful and wealthy people in the world is naive to say the least.
I have no doubt they are extremely wealthy and have wielded power in the past. Indeed the Rothschilds had quite a bit of control in the UK.
Bu that is decades or even centuries ago.
I'd like to know, beyond conjecture, what power they wield now and how

Re: Barrack Obama

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 5:39 pm
by warmleatherette
He's a homosexual as he's married to a man! ... 61574.html

Re: Barrack Obama

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 6:09 pm
by AlcoholBrazil
Those who voted for him because of his Muslim heritage may have thought that fact may open the way to peace
in the Middle-East. Just a theory like.