The Religion of Peace? (Part 2)

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Re: The Religion of Peace? (Part 2)

Post by m4rkb »

Sahih Bukhari, the second most revered text in Islam, spends most of it's time describing the punishments that should be inflicted on us infidels.

Slaughter, beheadings, stoning to death, being slung off a cliff and probably having hot ashes poured into your removed eye-sockets.

But it is a book of peace nonetheless.

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Re: The Religion of Peace? (Part 2)

Post by AlcoholBrazil »

I thought this Bukhari bloke was a YouTuber. My fault for watching Acts17Apologetics too much which is great for a giggle.
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Re: The Religion of Peace? (Part 2)

Post by m4rkb »

AlcoholBrazil wrote:I thought this Bukhari bloke was a YouTuber. My fault for watching Acts17Apologetics too much which is great for a giggle.

I watch him too :D

A very lighthearted yet dissection of the texts from the Religion of blown to peaces.

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Re: The Religion of Peace? (Part 2)

Post by AlcoholBrazil »

6uild 6ack 6etter .
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Re: The Religion of Peace? (Part 2)

Post by m4rkb »

AlcoholBrazil wrote:

I wouldn't like to be that moggie. He'll find himself with a Catwah issued on him or visited by Pussy Plod.

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Re: The Religion of Peace? (Part 2)

Post by Rossco »

Oh them.....they play their part well.






Neat trick....huh.
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Re: The Religion of Peace? (Part 2)

Post by Royal24s »

Few people killed in an incident in Liege today by a man shouting Allah Akbah.
No idea what might have motivated it but I just hope no one is going to try and connect it with these wonderful people.
As the mayor of London has told us, we must accept the odd bit of mass murder on our streets and not make a big fuss about it, so I just hope the people of Begium do that too and that they don't start trying to pick on the jihadists who did it.

- oh, sorry, I mustn't assume they were jihadists must I ?
Any idea who might have done it - Catholics or Jehovahs witnesses perhaps ?
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Re: The Religion of Peace? (Part 2)

Post by VeritasVincit »

Said to have been named as Benjamin Herman.
More will obviously follow.

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Re: The Religion of Peace? (Part 2)

Post by VeritasVincit »

Caucasian. His photo has been published.
"He was well-known to police after a string of crimes including robbery, assault and drug-dealing.
Local media reported that Herman was temporarily released from prison for several hours on Monday night for "family leave" to prepare his reintegration into society, despite a prison service assessment that he was very violent."
Next question is what he got up to in prison. There's talk of 'radicalisation'.

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Re: The Religion of Peace? (Part 2)

Post by Carlos J »

Has this been noted here? But who knows?: ... -list.html
Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's Maybelline.

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Re: The Religion of Peace? (Part 2)

Post by m4rkb »

I can't see the connection myself between a couple of misfit schoolkids deciding they don't like some of their classmates and a worldwide jihadist mentality which has conducted attacked in every corner of the globe bar Poland while attempting to satisfy the apparent word of God to turn it into a caliphate.

The only purpose to this is surely more whataboutery trying to pretend the rise of some imaginary 'other problem caused by white people' is a bigger threat to world peace than the one staring you in the face.

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Re: The Religion of Peace? (Part 2)

Post by Carlos J »

Who knows, they have not released details of those detained. Thus we can only speculate.

I think you are getting a tad paranoid, m4rk. "worldwide jihadist mentality" means disparate groups. But it ain't going to happen. Johnny Islam with his prayers 5 times a days, this Caliphate ain't happening in your lifetime, nor even in mine.

A sense of proportion please, and if Sri Lanka is casused by Muslim's, then they nicely fucked their fellow Muslim's in Lanka for years. Easy target, post Tamil socalled peace, but why, Mike, why?
Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's Maybelline.

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Re: The Religion of Peace? (Part 2)

Post by Roy Twing »

As with the one-sided climate change reporting, - it can only be due to 2 reasons - either there is no other side of which to debate, or there is, and it is being wilfully witheld (or at least less easily seen).
An example of this might be the above post from last year by veritas - it was left hanging at the time (at least on this forum it seems) with most attention directed towards the fact that the culprit had a western name (or at least, non-RoP) and that he was caucasian.
Don't know about anyone else, but as with most such stories, my attention lapsed and I never saw much in the way of news giving the conclusion.
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Re: The Religion of Peace? (Part 2)

Post by m4rkb »

According To Maajid Naawaz on LBC right now he's pretty sure Sri Lanka has 'all the hallmarks of international terrorism'.

But you are right, we don't know the facts so we're left to speculate. I'd suggest we speculate towards the most likely case rather than resort to ruling it out on the grounds we don't know the facts which is just an excuse for saying we all suspect it's radical Islamists but it's not very PC to say so. Some more extreme denialists will just blot that option out altogether while banging on about the far right, racism and Islamophobia.

You're also right it probably won't ever happen in our lifetime but my argument is that if it does the dripping wet liberals I like to have a go at will be the ones who have literally welcomed it through the door while calling the rest of us names for saying we should at least be wary of *some* and their ideologies.

Their naivety staggers me. If some irate looking bloke came down your path with a gun in his hand, you wouldn't say oh he must have the wrong house let's go and open the door to him. Better still get one of the kids to do it. We have no evidence he's going to do us any harm and to suggest so is just jumping to irrational conclusions.

No. Best presume he's a fucking nutter and barricade yourself in for protection.

The object of immediately calling these attacks out with the bleedin obvious -even if they turn out to be totally wrong is to expose the stupidity and naivety of those who cannot spot danger if it wore a large hat with danger written on it but moreover to expose the constant denialism associated with everything that has a liberal PC argument attacked to it.

Currently. It's impossible to argue against the scale of worldwide Islamists attacks compared to any other but that is exactly what we expect the wets to do so they have invented this far right bollocks to deflect away from the obvious.

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Re: The Religion of Peace? (Part 2)

Post by Roy Twing »

Carlos J wrote:Who knows, they have not released details of those detained. Thus we can only speculate.

I think you are getting a tad paranoid, m4rk. "worldwide jihadist mentality" means disparate groups. But it ain't going to happen. Johnny Islam with his prayers 5 times a days, this Caliphate ain't happening in your lifetime, nor even in mine.

A sense of proportion please, and if Sri Lanka is casused by Muslim's, then they nicely fucked their fellow Muslim's in Lanka for years. Easy target, post Tamil socalled peace, but why, Mike, why?

Peace in our time eh?
Anyone (such as Tick) that uses 'gammon' as a racial pejorative is as much a racist as those who use the word nigger and similar pejoratively.
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