'Ambulance chasers'

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'Ambulance chasers'

Post by VeritasVincit »

Following my, not my fault’ car crash [in a previous post] the insurance company has sorted/is sorting out everything including recovery and a hire car. No problems there apart from the probably miniscule payout.

However the next events were the angry making ones.
I had calls from ‘Recovery Assist’ who said they worked with the Vehicle Assistance Centre’.
I was told that as the accident would cost over £200, the other party’s insurance had set aside £1500 to pay for my discomfort.
Then the persuasion set in.
Did I have discomfort from the crash? But you must have. You must have discomfort across shoulders and chest. You must have this and it must be recurring and ongoing. You don’t have to see a doctor or hospital, just say you have it.
They even had a no win-no fee solicitor with the same story.
We’ll send a courier round with forms which need to be signed there and then.
I wasn’t injured or discomforted. But the other driver has said he has so why should he get money and not you. As he said at the time, to me and a witness, that he wasn’t injured, I suspect he has been hassled into it; if indeed he has signed up with them.

I think they eventually, around 6 phone calls from them, they got the message that I wasn’t signing up with them.

When I checked this firm on-line I found dozens of comments from others who had been fed a similar story and felt hassled into signing up.

Has anyone else had similar, and did they sign up?

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