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Re: The plain truth

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 7:46 pm
by Royal24s
No, it's completely one sided. There are some groups we may not critisise and others, such as Christians , who can and must be attacked as ferociously as possible as part of the leftist religion.

Re: The plain truth

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:04 pm
by Jon Gout
Roy Twing wrote:
Jon Gout wrote:
Zambo wrote:
Jon Gout wrote:I don't think people are interested in what the Catholics in that link have to say because Catholics are racist paedophiles. They should sort those problems out before criticising anyone else.

What every single one?

Can we credibly bracket whole groups like that. I think it's a bit daft personally.

If someone said all Muslims were terrorists for example, it would of course be ridiculous, but dummies, toys and all sorts would be flying everywhere. I think the left footers deserve a bit better..

I agree, it is a bit daft. That's why I made the tongue-in-cheek post, to highlight the hypocrisy, since "Labour is a racist party" gets thrown around a lot here and I don't think I've ever seen you pick up on it once. Strange that. It's clear that some members of Labour are racist and that the party hasn't done anywhere near enough to stamp it out, investigate and pubish accordingly. But then, Catholicism has historically promoted anti-semitism and spent centuries (and still does to this day) enabling and covering up widespread child abuse. Are the statements then really that different then? I don't think so. Certainly not different enough that one should be picked up on and the other not.

Precisely the same accusations were made (and still are) about the brexit party, and farage's previous party even more so, - I assume you're just as willing to defend them as labour?

I would be willing to state that some members of the Brexit party are racist and that they need to stamp it out, investigate and punish accordingly, just as I said about Labour, absolutely. Not sure how you read "defend" into what I just said.

Re: The plain truth

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:17 pm
by Roy Twing
Jon Gout wrote:
Roy Twing wrote:
Jon Gout wrote:
Zambo wrote:
Jon Gout wrote:I don't think people are interested in what the Catholics in that link have to say because Catholics are racist paedophiles. They should sort those problems out before criticising anyone else.

What every single one?

Can we credibly bracket whole groups like that. I think it's a bit daft personally.

If someone said all Muslims were terrorists for example, it would of course be ridiculous, but dummies, toys and all sorts would be flying everywhere. I think the left footers deserve a bit better..

I agree, it is a bit daft. That's why I made the tongue-in-cheek post, to highlight the hypocrisy, since "Labour is a racist party" gets thrown around a lot here and I don't think I've ever seen you pick up on it once. Strange that. It's clear that some members of Labour are racist and that the party hasn't done anywhere near enough to stamp it out, investigate and pubish accordingly. But then, Catholicism has historically promoted anti-semitism and spent centuries (and still does to this day) enabling and covering up widespread child abuse. Are the statements then really that different then? I don't think so. Certainly not different enough that one should be picked up on and the other not.

Precisely the same accusations were made (and still are) about the brexit party, and farage's previous party even more so, - I assume you're just as willing to defend them as labour?

I would be willing to state that some members of the Brexit party are racist and that they need to stamp it out, investigate and punish accordingly, just as I said about Labour, absolutely. Not sure how you read "defend" into what I just said.

The highlighted bit reads as an effort to defend the labour party to me, just as I would do (and have done) when similar sweeping slurs are made against the brexit party.
Some on here believe that all brexit voters are racist - I take it you're not one of them.

Re: The plain truth

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:24 pm
by Jon Gout
It might read as an effort to defend them if you failed to read the rest of the post, but I think reading the entire thing makes it clear what I was saying. I wasn't defending them at all, I was simply pointing out a common recent example that Zambo hasn't once picked up on. Just surprised really that he hasn't done since he apparently thinks making sweeping statements is so silly, especially when that specific one has been posted here pretty much every day for the last few weeks.

Re: The plain truth

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 8:44 pm
by Zambo
Jon Gout wrote:It might read as an effort to defend them if you failed to read the rest of the post, but I think reading the entire thing makes it clear what I was saying. I wasn't defending them at all, I was simply pointing out a common recent example that Zambo hasn't once picked up on. Just surprised really that he hasn't done since he apparently thinks making sweeping statements is so silly, especially when that specific one has been posted here pretty much every day for the last few weeks.

Putting whole groups in one hole is ridiculous. There you go I've said again for you. I don't respond to every post on the forum, whether I agree with what has been said or not. However, in future if you send me a list of posts you want me to express an opinion on, I'll do my best.

Re: The plain truth

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 9:12 pm
by Roy Twing
Jon Gout wrote:It might read as an effort to defend them if you failed to read the rest of the post, but I think reading the entire thing makes it clear what I was saying. I wasn't defending them at all, I was simply pointing out a common recent example that Zambo hasn't once picked up on. Just surprised really that he hasn't done since he apparently thinks making sweeping statements is so silly, especially when that specific one has been posted here pretty much every day for the last few weeks.

I could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't pick up on every sweeping generalisation of pro-brexiters either.
Which was all I was trying to say.

Re: The plain truth

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 10:36 pm
by Royal24s
I don't think sweeping generalisations infringe any rules do they ?
Obviously there are certain groups who may not be generalised about if it's an ism, but the rest of us are open to fair comment and opinion surely.

I hope we're not going to promote political parties to ism status because there'll be very little left to debate if we do that.

In any case, anyone got any comments on the actual thread subject ?

Re: The plain truth

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 10:42 pm
by Darkyboy
Strange how the sweeping generalisations of racism haven't been seen as an issue, until it's the Labour party being accused. There have been three (more actually) years of Brexit supporters/Trump supporters/UKip/Brexit party being labelled racist; not to mention individuals being accused with minimal/no evidence. But now an entire party is being investigated by the EHRC, we are not supposed to highlight the hypocrisy?

Re: The plain truth

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2019 11:06 pm
by Royal24s
You must remember that leftist people and the Labour Party invented the method of accusing everyone of racism to shut down arguments they couldn't win, so they feel that it's their intellectual property.
The fact that in their case it's demonstrably true makes no difference to them.
I think it goes like this - they can accuse everyone of racism without any basis or evidence, but no one can accuse them of it even when there's proof.

Re: The plain truth

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 6:14 am
by Jon Gout
Darkyboy wrote:Strange how the sweeping generalisations of racism haven't been seen as an issue, until it's the Labour party being accused.

It was actually not seen as an issue until Catholics were accused, keep up.

Also, I never said it was against the rules. I don't think it is, is it? Seems like a few people might need to get their reading glasses out as they appear to be imagining a lot being said that wasn't.

Re: The plain truth

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 7:36 am
by ToRmAtO
Religion isn't a race of people.

Re: The plain truth

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 9:22 am
by Royal24s
No it's not ,despite the fact that you'd be accused of racism if you criticised Islam.
However, this is a side issue regarding complaints that people shouldn't be allowed to mention that Labour have been found to be racist.

I do keep asking people to get back to the subject though so I take your point

Re: The plain truth

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 9:59 am
by Hillman avenger
For many people the word Islam is a synonym for asian. They don't distinguish in practice between Sikh, Hindu or Muslem.
There was the guy who stabbed someone in a supermarket shouting insults about muslems despite the fact he was wearing a turban.

Re: The plain truth

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 10:28 am
by Darkyboy
Jon Gout wrote:
Darkyboy wrote:Strange how the sweeping generalisations of racism haven't been seen as an issue, until it's the Labour party being accused.

It was actually not seen as an issue until Catholics were accused, keep up.

Also, I never said it was against the rules. I don't think it is, is it? Seems like a few people might need to get their reading glasses out as they appear to be imagining a lot being said that wasn't.

I think that you need to "keep up" with regard to the cries of "racism" on this forum over recent years. You assume that I was directing my post entirely at you (I would have replied to your post directly, if I wanted to do that). I was merely highlighting how uncomfortable some people are, when the accusations of racism are pointed at the left.

Re: The plain truth

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 11:09 am
by Hillman avenger
Yes people on the left are racists too.
If you like we will tell them if we ever meet them.